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Charity Spotlight: Strong Women Strong Girls

Knichel Logistics is starting up our new charity for the Knichel Cares Program – it is Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG)!

We are planning on changing things up a bit this year by focusing solely on SWSG throughout 2019 rather than switching charities each quarter. Here’s more info about SWSG:

Strong Women, Strong Girls (SWSG) is a multi-generational mentorship organization that connects professional women, college women, and elementary school girls. We champion the aspirations and promote the potential of girls from under-resourced communities through innovative mentorship programming.
Every week, we bring college women mentors together with girls in grades 3-5 at program sites around the Pittsburgh area. Using our unique, skill-building curriculum, mentors and mentees explore the stories of strong female role models and engage in growth-fostering activities and discussions. Our college women also build strong mentoring relationships with professional women, known as Strong Leaders, through one-on-one matches and Group Mentoring events.
Our very own Director of Pricing, Sheila Weatherly, has been working with SWSG as a professional mentor for 2 years, has worked on their Strong Awards committee for 3 years, and is very committed to this organization and how they positively impact girls and women throughout the Pittsburgh area. Here are some ways Knichel Logistics is planning to help SWSG:SWSG Logo
  • Online monetary donations.
  • Utilizing Amazon Smile when you shop normally via Amazon. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Visit, search for Strong Women, Strong Girls, and shop as you normally would.
  • Volunteering. You don’t have to be a woman to help. (The only restriction on gender is the one on one mentoring.) Click here to read about their volunteer opportunities.
  • Gathering school supplies for their after school programs! They are always in need of materials for these programs. In early August, they will have a list compiled of needed materials but donations are accepted any time. We will have a donation box in the office for these items.

Knichel Logistics will be participating in an upcoming event called Jump into Spring (March 30th at Oakland Catholic) which is sponsored by SWSG. Employees will be volunteering by hosting an activity table. The Jump into Spring event will feature 12 activity rooms for girls in grades 3-5 that will have each company focus on a fun activity that is STEM oriented. 

Our activity will involve the girls building with different materials (toothpicks, straws, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, etc.) and testing different kinds of structures. They will be given the challenge to build two types of structures: a vertical building-type structure and then a horizontal bridge-type structure. For the vertical structure, it would be a matter of seeing it the building stands on its own or collapses. For the bridge structure, they would test how much weight it will hold. During this activity, we plan to talk with the girls about what kind of work we do at Knichel Logistics. They have been spending the year working on STEM-related projects, so this would be a nice way of talking about how STEM connects to our own work and the activity they are doing.

We are looking forward to helping Strong Women Strong Girls!

Donate to Strong Women Strong Girls!
