You’re likely well aware of the issues impacting global shipping in and out of China due to the Coronavirus outbreak. As of the end of last week, manufacturing within China still remains primarily shuttered. This has forced mass cancellations of sailings by ocean carriers. Thus far, a total of 21 sailings are now being blanked due to the Coronavirus on the Transpacific, on top of 61 sailings already blanked due to Chinese New Year. This brings the total number of blank sailings to 82 as of the end of last week. Due to the fact that imports are brought into the United States in small box containers, the impact will most widely be felt by those who utilize small boxes. With fewer coming into the country, there will be fewer available for domestic use.
Wanting to stay on top of potential capacity issues, we reached out to some of our small box domestic providers to see how they will be impacted by this on the US domestic side. They’re all in agreement that there will be some impact. Below are samples of some of the responses we received. Keep in mind that this is just a sampling of providers and not a conclusive list:
In summary, our providers all seem to agree that the impact will be felt well into the first half of this year. Although deficits in equipment are concentrated by provider in specific inland locations currently, these could be more widespread in the future. Extended void sailing programs on long haul services from China are slated to continue until mid-March, therefore the full impact of the Chinese coronavirus outbreak on container volumes will not be fully measurable until ports announce their throughput numbers for the first quarter. As a final note on this situation, please be advised that we will work with you to find alternative options if you are a shipper who utilizes small box equipment until capacity returns to normal.