Knichel News

Positive Athlete Title IX Award 2021 - Kaitlyn Wolfe

Written by Knichel Logistics | May, 18, 2021

On May 17th, the annual Positive Athlete Title IX scholarship award sponsored by Knichel Logistics, was given to Kaitlyn Wolfe, a Seneca Valley senior basketball and softball player.

"In an era of specialization, you are a throwback to the days of playing sports for the love of each game. As a dual-sport athlete, you have shared your endless enthusiasm as an athlete with countless teammates. There is nothing more important to team success than a collection of selfless beings and your genuinely altruistic leadership has been a constant on the court and the diamond. When a teammate needed gentle words of encouragement you delivered. When the moment beckoned for upholding the standards of excellence, you never once shied away from that calling. Your name will not show up in the records books, but your legacy of accountability, infectious positivity, and steadfast leadership leave an aspiring mark for teammates to bear. Because of this, it is with the utmost respect and pride we honor senior basketball and softball player Kaitlyn Wolfe as our 2021 Knichel Logistics Female Positive Athlete of the Year for your selflessness and principled leadership."

Congratulations Kaitlyn! We wish you continued success in all that you do!