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The Dogs of Knichel Logistics!

Dogs - RexThe benefits of having a dog around have been known for quite some time, so it's no surprise that these guys can make a stressful day at the office a lot more cheerful. We are fortunate that Knichel Logistics is a dog-friendly office! Here is a run-down of why we think having dogs in the office is awesome:

  1. Stress Reduction! Dogs are being welcomed more in some unconventional places, from retirement homes to workplaces to school campuses, because they naturally lower stress levels by just being themselves. Things can get pretty hectic in a logistics office, but giving one of these fluffy friends a pet definitely helps.
  2. Morale Boost! This goes hand in hand with stress reduction - more relaxed employees mean happier ones!
  3. Increased Productivity! Taking some time away from your desk to hang out with a friendly dog is one of the best things you can do to clear your mind.
  4. Companionship! Not only are employees happy to have dog friends around during the work day, but the dogs love being with their humans too! Sure beats being left alone for the day.
  5. Better Health! Studies prove that pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, and make employees more cordial with one another.

There are only a few conditions that these doggies must abide by in order to be in the Knichel Logistics office. They must be in the control of their owners while on site, they cannot cause any person to experience allergic reactions, fear, or any other physical or psychological discomfort, and they cannot reduce any employee’s productivity or quality of work.

Thus far, the dogs of Knichel Logistics have been a big hit! Check out Rex, Bailey, Kessel, Tank, Kramer, Weston and Brody!

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